15 research outputs found

    3D free-form modeling with variational surfaces

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    We describe a free-form stroke-based modeling system where objects are primarily represented by means of variational surfaces. Although similar systems have been described in recent years, our approach achieves both a good performance and reduced surface leak problems by employing a coarse mesh as support for constraint points. The prototype implements an adequate set of modeling operations, “undo” and “redo” facilities and a clean interface capable of resolving ambiguities by means of suggestion thumbnails

    Aspectos de las ciencias de lo artificial

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    Herbert Simon [Simon, 1996] introdujo el término “Ciencia de lo Artificial” para referirse al cuerpo de conocimiento sobre objetos artificiales —los cuales son construidos por los humanos para resolver sus problemas—. Sin embargo, su masificación y uso no ha tenido un impacto trascendente en la comunidad local debido, principalmente, a cuestiones de disponibilidad y accesibilidad. Este trabajo busca describir, estructurar y sintetizar los aspectos más importantes de esta área, basándose en la revisión de artículos publicados por sus investigadores más representativos. Fueron identificados cuatro aspectos importantes: la ciencia del diseño, la relevancia del problema, la rigurosidad del diseño y la evaluación. Se consiguió realizar una descripción detallada de cada uno de ellos haciendo uso de un lenguaje simple. Tales caracterizaciones ilustran y originan un mayor entendimiento del tema y son un paso previo a la descripción de procesos o métodos de investigación orientados a la ciencia de lo artificial

    3D free-form modeling with variational surfaces

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    We describe a free-form stroke-based modeling system where objects are primarily represented by means of variational surfaces. Although similar systems have been described in recent years, our approach achieves both a good performance and reduced surface leak problems by employing a coarse mesh as support for constraint points. The prototype implements an adequate set of modeling operations, “undo” and “redo” facilities and a clean interface capable of resolving ambiguities by means of suggestion thumbnails

    Fast Polygonization of Variational Implicit Surfaces

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    This article presents a simple hierarchical adaptation of the Marching Cubes algorithm for polygonizing variational implicit surfaces used in modelling and reconstruction applications. The technique relies on placing the normal and boundary constraint points respecting a pseudo-Euclidean distance metrics. This procedure makes it possible to quickly prune the space and minimize the number of costly function evaluations and thus converge rapidly to the surface. Timings show that this technique tends to perform faster than Bloomenthal’s continuation polygonizer [5]. 1

    A FAIR evaluation of public datasets for stress detection systems

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    Nowadays, datasets are an essential asset used to train, validate, and test stress detection systems based on machine learning. In this paper, we used two sets of FAIR metrics for evaluating five public datasets for stress detection. Results indicate that all these datasets comply to some extent with the (F)indable, (A)ccessible, and (R)eusable principles, but none with the (I)nteroperable principle these findings contribute to raising awareness on (i) the need for the FAIRness development and improvement of stress datasets, and (ii) the importance of promoting open science in the affective computing community

    Requirements for a new peruvian electronic identity card

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    ABSTRACT In this article, we present a list of 51 technical requirements for a new Peru's national electronic identity (eID) card, grouped on four categories: general, card, hardware (subdivided into the antenna, chip, and memory), and software (subdivided into the operating system, applications, middleware, and complements). Their definition was based on features of the current eID card, the existing international standards, and the current state of technology. Their relevance was validated by RENIEC specialist personnel, and their usefulness was validated in practice, being the base of an international public tender for the acquisition of three million cards

    Fast Polygonization of Variational Implicit Surfaces

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    This article presents a simple hierarchical adaptation of the Marching Cubes algorithm for polygonizing variational implicit surfaces used in modelling and reconstruction applications. The technique relies on placing the normal and boundary constraint points respecting a pseudo-Euclidean distance metrics. This procedure makes it possible to quickly prune the space and minimize the number of costly function evaluations and thus converge rapidly to the surface. Timings show that this technique tends to perform faster than Bloomenthal's continuation polygonizer [5]

    ECC usage on X.509 digital certificates

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a review of the adoption of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) algorithms in X.509 digital certificates. It was analyzed the cases of Estonia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Australia, Brazil, and Egypt. Although all five countries have considered using ECC algorithms, only two (Estonia and UAE) use them throughout their entire PKI hierarchy (root, intermediates, and end-entity certificates). Our findings complement those of Bos et al. [1], which in 2014 identified only Austria as an adopter of ECC in end-entity X.509 digital certificates for electronic signatures